Sunday, 1 February 2015


Its the first Sunday and the first day of the month of February, It was a calm and beautiful morning and the service started early with the Sunday School Service. Titled: FINANCIAL PROSPERITY: VOWS
Memory Verse was drawn from Deut 23:21-23
"When thou shalt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God,thou shat not slack to pay it; for the Lord thy God will surely require it of thee, and it would be sin in thee"

A vow is a voluntary utterance / statement made with a promise to do something for God if the Lord should do something for you. It is a deliberate attempt to draw God into a "Match" to prove His faithfulness in a particular matter.

Most times, people who get into vowing will discover that God is always in a haste to meet their needs and demands. But very often some of such people are not in haste to meet their own side of the bargain. It is this dimension that makes vowing very dangerous.

Vowing is a key to financial prosperity

Vows are voluntary to make but not voluntary to opt out. Every Vow must be paid willingly as specified in order to receive financial prosperity and other attendant benefits, But let no man say "Oh I vowed in error" as a way of excusing himself from paying. Such attitude will be unprofitable with serious consequences. Wisdom is profitable to direct on this matter.
  After the Sunday school, praise and worship came forth, led by Sister Lydia,

 the congregation sang and danced like they've never done before.

 Praise and worship was followed by various testimonies, followed by a wonderful ministration by the EBENEZER MYSTREL who sang the song (tell me what can i do? i cant live without you by Tye Tribbet) The song was led by Bro Rotimi and Bro Kenneth.
  Immediately, the message began titled (THE POWER OF THANKSGIVING), preached by Rev Paul Aidelebe. He read from the book of Phillipians, he taught that '' a man's obstacle can also be a stepping stone to his miracle.

DONT GET DISCOURAGED WHEN FACING ANY CHALLENGE. because God's face and hand is upon you. YOU ARE A GOD CARRIER, and a God caarrier is a problem solver.
    * DONT LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE AND DONT ALLOW ANYONE LOOK DOWN ON YOU! for he that is down today has a place on top of the ladder tomorrow.
   * The church is a ploace where unity is suppose to be the ultimate, the reverse has been the case in the endtime church.

   * Some churches are experiencing limitations in their lives and endeavoures as a result of the friends they keep, friends.
He concluded, that a friend will either make you or march you.
At the end of the service a hot round of applause was given to the man of God. After
 which Pastor Value stepped forward to announce the theme for the month. FEBRUARY OUR MONTH OF ENDLESS GRACE! HALLELUJAH!

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